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Mechanical Shaft

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Mechanical Shaft Manufacturer

We have in store a flawless quality of Mechanical Shaft (Bladder Less Shaft) which consists of steel lugs, brass cam, ratchet and slotted pipe. The shaft is very beneficial with cores having uneven inside diameter. We offer a superb quality of such shafts at highly competitive rates. The other basic specifications include:


  • Length as per requirement.
  • Suitable for Core ID. 3" and 6"

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Chuck, Air Shaft, Aluminum Slat Expander Roller, Anilox Roller, Banana Rollers, Circular Looms Rollers, Core Holding Devices, Cork Rollers, Differential Shaft, Ebonite Rubber Rollers, Epdm Rubber Rollers, Film Plant Rubber Roller, Flexo Gravure Printing Rollers, Guide Roller, Industrial Rubber Roller, Ink Circulating System, Knurling Rollers, Lamination Rubber Roller, Load Roller, Lug Type Expandable Shaft, Mechanical Shaft, Metal Expander Roller, Multi Tube Shaft, Natural Rubber Rollers, Neoprene Rubber Rollers, Other Products, P U Rollers, Polyband Expander Roller, Printing Rubber Roller, Quick Change Sleeve, Quick Lock Shaft, Quick Locks, Rollers For Cement Coating Pipe Plant, Rollers For Sheet Metal Industry, Rollers For Steel Industry, Rubber Expander Roller, Rubber Grooved Spreader Roller, Rubber Roller, Safety Chuck, Safety Chucks, Silicone Rubber Rollers, Wrinkle Removers Roller